Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Rekomendasi Lokakarya

Lokakarya Surveilans Pengendalian Vektor tanggal 12-14 Mei 2011 di Hotel Grand Quality Yogyakarta, telah menghasilkan rekomendasi dalam rangka jejaring informasi dan surveilans pengendalian vektor. Hasil rekomendasinya adalah sebagai berikut:



Berdasarkan SK no: PM.04.03/VIII.24/702/2011 pada hari ini Sabtu 14 Mei 2011 di Hotel Grand Quality Yogyakarta, kami peserta Lokakarya Surveilans Pengendalian Vektor yang diselenggarakan oleh Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Kelas II Cilacap setelah mendengarkan masukan dan arahan dari para narasumber dan hasil diskusi dengan peserta pertemuan ini, diambil beberapa point-point rekomendasi yaitu:
1.        Pembentukan jejaring informasi kesehatan khususnya surveilans pengendalian vektor secara terpadu lintas sektor, program, dan civil society organization dalam bentuk blog jejaring informasi yang pengelolaannya dilakukan oleh KKP Cilacap .
2.        Penunjukan kontak person di masing-masing simpul jejaring.
3.        Perlu peningkatan sumber daya (kemampuan SDM, sharing pendanaan, pemanfaatan peralatan) dalam pengendalian vektor.
4.        Legalitas jejaring informasi kesehatan khususnya surveilens pengendalian vektor berdasarkan surat keputusan Dirjen PP dan PL Kementerian Kesehatan.
Demikian rekomendasi ini dibuat untuk dapat ditindak lanjuti dan menjadi acuan dalam melaksanakan jejaring surveilans pengendalian vektor.
Kami, peserta yang menyepakati Rekomendasi dalam Lokakarya Surveilans Pengendalian Vektor tercantum pada lampiran rekomendasi ini.

Download REKOMENDASI.pdf


Untuk memperlancar dan memberikan kemudahan dalam posting pada semua anggota. Maka kami mengembalikan pasword seperti awal kesepakatan. Silakan anda login menggunakan pasword lama untuk melakukan posting. Mohon untuk tidak mengubah-ubah tampilan dan pengaturan blog. Terimakasih.

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

Pemberitahuan otoritas

Kami telah mengirimkan permintaan sebagai penulis dalam blog ini kepada seluruh peserta melalui alamat email masing-masing yang terdaftar.
Ini baru uji coba, apabila terlalu banyak kendala maka kami akan mengembalikan password seperti semula. sehingga seluruh anggota diberikan otoritas dan tanggung jawab penuh terhadap isi dan pengaturan blog ini.
Demikian pemberitahuan dari kami, ada kurang lebihnya mohon maaf.


Disease Outbreak News Who

Disease Outbreak News Who

  • 18 May 2011
    Ebola in Uganda
  • Ebola in Uganda 

     On 13 May 2011, the Ministry of Health (MoH) of Uganda notified WHO of a case of Ebola Haemorrhagic fever in a 12 year old girl from Luwero district, central Uganda. On 6 May she presented to a private clinic in Zirobwe town, Luwero district, with a 5-day history of an acute febrile illness with haemorrhagic manifestations. She was later referred to Bombo General Military Hospital where she died few hours after admission.
    Laboratory investigations at the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI), Entebbe, Uganda confirmed Ebola virus (Sudan species). A sample is on route to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, USA for additional analysis and sequencing.
    A National Task Force has been convened by the MoH Uganda, which is working with several partners including WHO, CDC, the African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) and USAID. A joint MoH, WHO and CDC team was deployed to the district on 13 May to carry out a detailed epidemiological investigation. WHO will be supporting the MoH in the areas of epidemiology and infection control.
    Control activities already in place include active case finding and contact tracing, enhanced surveillance, reinforcement of infection prevention and control, and of standard precautions in health care settings.
    WHO does not recommend that any travel or trade restrictions are applied to Uganda.
  • 13 May 2011
    Avian influenza – situation in Indonesia - update 4
  • Avian influenza – situation in Indonesia - update 4

     The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has announced a confirmed case of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus.
    The case is an 8-year old female from West Jakarta district, DKI Jakarta Province. She developed symptoms on 1 April, was admitted to a health care facility on 4 April and referred to a hospital on 8 April. She died on 11 April.
    Epidemiological investigation identified a possible risk factor as exposure to wild bird faeces found around the house. In addition, during the week before the child developed symptoms, her mother purchased chickens from a local market.
    Laboratory tests have confirmed infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus.
    Of the 177 cases confirmed to date in Indonesia, 146 have been fatal.
  • 21 April 2011
    Wild poliovirus in Côte d'Ivoire
  • Wild poliovirus in Côte d'Ivoire

     Côte d'Ivoire is experiencing an outbreak of wild poliovirus type 3 (WPV3) with three new cases reported with onset of paralysis on 27 January, 24 February and 27 February this year.
    Genetic sequencing of the isolated viruses show that they are linked to WPV3 last detected in mid-2008 in northern Nigeria. They are the first WPV3 recorded in Côte d'Ivoire since 2000. In 2008-2009, Côte d'Ivoire was affected by a wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) outbreak affecting west Africa (and which was recently stopped).
    There is currently a high risk of further spread of WPV3 - both within and from - Côte d'Ivoire. It is the first time since 2000 that WPV3 has been recorded in this part of west Africa (WPV3 transmission has been limited to northern Nigeria and parts of Niger, and since 2008 also in parts of Mali and one case in Benin). The outbreak response may be constrained by the current security situation in Côte d'Ivoire. Due to the persistence of subnational surveillance gaps in Côte d'Ivoire and other areas of west Africa, undetected further circulation cannot be ruled out at this time.
    Detection of these WPV3 cases underscores the risk suboptimal surveillance poses to the global polio eradication effort. Globally, WPV3 transmission is at its lowest level in history, with only nine cases reported worldwide in 2011 - efforts to rapidly interrupt all remaining chains of WPV3 transmission is a key priority for the global polio eradication effort.
    The overriding priority is to urgently stop the WPV3 outbreak, while maintaining high population immunity across west Africa to WPV1. Two rounds of coordinated, multi-country supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) with bivalent oral polio vaccine (bOPV) and trivalent oral polio vaccine (tOPV) across west Africa have been/are being implemented on 25 March 2011, and again on 29 April 2011, in 15 countries across west Africa (except Côte d'Ivoire, see next paragraph). A further outbreak response is currently planned in six countries, over and beyond these two multi-country SIAs. Such a further response could see planned SIAs scheduled for the fourth quarter to be brought forward to earlier in the year.
    In Côte d'Ivoire, the end-March SIA did not take place due to the current security and political situation. A response round is proposed in the affected province using bOPV in late April 2011, to be followed by two National Immunization Days (NIDs), as soon as the situation permits. Planning is underway to ensure capacity (ie technical, vaccine, operational) is in place for this emergency response. Coordination with other United Nations (UN) organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Côte d'Ivoire is ongoing, to ensure that OPV is added to any planned immunization activity, in particular for displaced populations. Ongoing transmission will be monitored, and mop-ups implemented as epidemiology dictates.
    An investigation is ongoing to more clearly identify surveillance gaps in the region, including among mobile, migrant and underserved populations. Measures will be implemented to strengthen sub-national surveillance, to ensure that all groups and areas, particularly high-risk populations, are covered by high-quality surveillance.
    As per recommendations outlined in WHO's International travel and health, travellers to and from Côte d'Ivoire, and other polio-affected countries of west Africa, should be fully protected by vaccination. Travellers who have in the past received three or more doses of OPV should be offered another dose of polio vaccine before departure. Any unimmunized individuals intending to travel to should have a complete course of vaccination. Travellers from Côte d'Ivoire, and other polio-affected countries of west Africa, should have a full course of vaccination against polio before departure, with a minimum one dose of OPV before departure.
  • 21 April 2011
    Avian influenza - situation in Egypt - update 51
  • Avian influenza - situation in Egypt - update 51

     On 16 April 2011, the Ministry of Health of Egypt notified WHO of two new cases of human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus.
    The first case was a 29 years-old male from Fayoum Governorate Wadi Elrian area who developed symptoms on 1 April , was hospitalized on 4 April and died on 7 April.
    The second case was a one -and-a -half year-old male child from Fayoum Governorate, Sennores District who developed symptoms on 9 April and was hospitalized on 11 April. He is under treatment and is in stable condition.
    All the cases received oseltamivir treatment at the time of hospitalization.
    Investigations into the source of infection indicate that both the cases had exposure to sick and/or dead poultry suspected to have avian influenza. There is no epidemiological link identified between these two cases.
    The cases were confirmed by the Egyptian Central Public Health Laboratories, a National Influenza Center of the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance Network.
    Of the 143 cases confirmed to date in Egypt, 47 have been fatal .

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011



Karena pertimbangan keamanan maka untuk sementara kami mengganti password blog ini.
Sebagai ganti, maka kami akan memberikan otoritas (izin) kepada anggota untuk dapat melakukan posting dan kegiatan lain terkait forum jejearing ini. Otoritas akan kami berikan melalui email masing-masing anggota.
Demikian Pengumuman ini. Ada kurang lebihnya mohon maaf.

Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

Lokakarya Surveilans Pengendalian Vektor

Pembukaan Lokakarya oleh Direktur P2B2

Dalam rangka implementasi International Health Regulation (IHR) revisi 2005 terutama pencegahan penyakit yang bersumber dari binatang, Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan (KKP) Kelas II Cilacap mengadakan Lokakarya Surveilans Pengendalian Vektor. Lokakarya ini dilaksanakan pada hari Kamis sampai dengan Sabtu, tanggal 12-14 Mei 2011 di Hotel Grand Quality Yogyakarta. Lokakarya ini dihadiri oleh Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi, Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten, Lokalitbang, Akademisi dari Unsoed, Undip dan UGM, BBPPVRP, BBTKL, KKP. Narasumber dalam acara ini berasal dari Direktorat Pemberantasan Penyakit Bersumber Binatang (P2B2), Subdit Direktorat Surveilans dan KLB, Subdit Vektor, Subdit Karkes Ditjen PP&PL Kemenkes RI serta dari UGM. Selain itu juga disampaikan materi dari Lokalitbang Banjarnegara, Dinkes Kabupaten Cilacap dan KKP Cilacap. Materi yang disampaikan dalam lokakarya ini adalah:

  1. Analisis Data Persebaran Vektor Penyakit di Jawa Tengah berdasarkan GIS (Sistem Informasi Geografi) 
  2. Sistem Informasi Pengendalian Vektor
  3. Pengalaman Pemetaan Vektor Berbasis GIS
  4. Model Jejaring Surveilans Pengendalian Vektor
Lokakarya ini disampaikan dengan metode ceramah dan diskusi curah pendapat. Peserta sangat antusias mengikuti lokakarya.
Lokakarya Surveilans Pengendalian Vektor
